APCVA agenda for the 2019 Federal Election

A Progressive Christian Voice Agenda for the 2019 Federal Election.


A Progressive Christian Voice Australia (APCVA) promotes public awareness of the politically progressive dimensions of Christian opinion. The APCVA agenda for the 2019 Federal Election is based on consultation with members and on the issues that have directly concerned those members over the last 3 years. Underlying the agenda is our understanding that God identifies in a special way with those who are excluded or oppressed in our society.

APCVA supports

An inclusive society in which everyone is valued and treated with respect and in which no one is excluded because of race, colour, creed, age, sexuality or differing ability.

The commencement of a well funded and supported Royal Commission into the abuse of people with a disability

The banning of gay conversion therapy

The ending of gender inequality with regard to salary for equal work, positions on boards and as elected representatives


A just and fair society in which no one lives in poverty.

An increase in the Newstart Allowance,  Austudy, Youth Allowance for students and Abstudy to 100% of the Aged Pension

Doubling of the rate of Commonwealth Rent Assistance

Addressing the issues of inequity and a lack of transparency in the Australian superannuation system that currently favours the well off with overly generous tax concessions.

Reducing substantially negative gearing on established properties

Reforming the tax system to be fairer and simpler as per the recommendations of Richard Denniss of the The Australia Institute https://www.facebook.com/TheAustraliaInstitute/videos/2127085887377893/UzpfSTEwMDAwNzkwODgxMjI0NjoyMjY1NTE2MDg3MDU1MzMw/

Increasing substantially funding for education across all sectors


A profound respect for the earth.

The halting of the Adani coal mine

A renewed commitment to reducing carbon emissions

A realistic timeline for the phasing out of our reliance on coal and the encouragement of sustainable energy sources

A substantial reduction in the amount of waste produced by Australia

A renewed commitment to an ecologically sustainable Murray Darling agreement


A welcoming approach to refugees and asylum seekers.

An increase in the intake of refugees under the humanitarian criteria

Discussions with Indonesia and other countries in our region as to how we can help them with asylum seekers and refugees in their countries and discourage people smugglers

Granting asylum seekers the same opportunities as refugees while they are awaiting their refugee status to be determined, for example, consistent access to income support, medical services, education and the right to work

An increase in funding for agencies that are assisting refugees and asylum seekers

The closing of the Manus Island, Nauru and Christmas Island detention centres with the result that all asylum seekers, no matter how they arrived, will be assessed on the mainland of Australia

The cessation of mandatory detention of asylum seekers


A peaceful society that serves the world as a peacemaker.

Ceasing all government support for the arms export industry, especially sending arms to the middle east

Demilitarising our approach to international migration and the world refugee crisis.

Increasing our foreign aid to 1% of GDP


A society that learns from, respects and includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Committing to the Uluru Statement from the Heart which includes “that a referendum be held to provide in the Australian Constitution for a body that gives Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples a Voice to the Commonwealth Parliament”

A nation-wide reform of the law enforcement system that currently produces such a disproportionate number of Indigenous incarcerations

A national recognition of “the fallen” as regards Indigenous people who died defending their homelands – i.e. this continent and its islands

For comment on APCVA’s election agenda please contact the Rev Peter Catt at advocate@progressivechristians.org.au


A PDF of this document can be accessed here.


Authorised Ray Barraclough, 25 Buderim Street, Currimundi, Qld, 4551.